en_MeetingBase PrivacyPolicy

MeetingBase Privacy Policy

Bengo4.com,Inc. (hereinafter “the Company”) practices maximum caution with regard to privacy protection when operating MeetingBase (hereinafter “the Service”). The Privacy Policy regarding the Service is as follows.

Article 1. Definitions

Below are the definitions of the terminology used in this Privacy Policy.
  1. “Customer” means a corporation, organization, association, or individual who agrees to the Terms of Service and uses the Service by entering into a Service Agreement with the Company.
  1. “User” means a person designated by the Customer as a user of the Service who has been granted an account for the Service.
  1. “Other Users in the Organization” means, from the perspective of a User, other people designated as users by the same customer.
  1. “Third Party Other Than User” means, from the perspective of a User, any third party other than the User themselves and Other Users in the Organization.
  1. “Account Registration Information” means the information (personal name, email address, etc.) registered at the time a User registers an account with the Service.

Article 2. Applicable Scope of the Privacy Policy

  1. This Privacy Policy applies to Customers and Users (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Customer, etc.”) when they use the Service and, if expressly stated in the Privacy Policy, to other users. Therefore, any personal information that the Service collects from the Customer, etc. and from the person to whom it is expressly stated in the Privacy Policy will be handled in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
  1. This Privacy Policy of the Service does not apply to personal information collected from the Customer, etc. by the advertisers, etc. who feature advertisements for the Service.

Article 3. How We Collect User Information

  1. The personal information that the Service collects from the Customer, etc. is limited to what the Company deems necessary to provide the Service.
  1. The Service may ask for personal information when the Customer, etc. uses the Service or directs an inquiry to the Service.
  1. The Service may, via the following methods, etc. automatically collect information about the user when the Customer, etc. uses the Service or visits its pages.
  1. When the Customer, etc. registers an account with the Service and logs in, the Service will collect information on how the Customer, etc. is using the Service.
  1. When the Service is used, information is automatically received from the browser or smartphone/tablet application the Customer, etc. is using for access. Such information includes IP address, cookie settings, advertisements/pages viewed, and usage environment. This information is then recorded on a server.

Article 4. How We Use User Information

Broadly speaking, the Company uses information collected by the Service in the following ways.
  1. The Company uses information collected from the Customer, etc. in order to provide the Service to the Customer, etc.
  1. In order to improve the convenience of our advertising and information media, such as optimizing the advertisements and content that the Customer, etc. sees for each User, we may use information related to the attributes of the Customer, etc., such as gender, age, physical address, services used so far, advertisements and pages viewed, time of use, method of use, and environment of use (hereinafter referred to as “User Attribute Information”).
  1. The Company may use User Attribute Information in order to make the content of the Service and advertisements better suited to the Customer, etc., make enhancements or improvements, consider new services, or extract questionnaire target groups.
  1. In order to analyze an optimal and effective way of having advertisers, information providers, service providers, etc. feature and provide advertisements, information, services, etc., the Company may use User Attribute Information for analysis, extract questionnaire target groups for such analysis, etc. Any information that could identify an individual is excluded from analysis results.
  1. So that the Customer, etc. can view and modify their registered information and view usage status, the Company may use information related to registered information such as personal name, age, gender, email address, physical address, and payment method, as well as information related to services used so far, the cost of such services, etc.
  1. The Company may use contact information such as email addresses in order to notify the Customer, etc. about the Service or the Company’s new services or related services, or for other correspondence as necessary, such as in regards to questionnaires.
  1. The Company may use information such as corporate name, organization name, association name, personal name, age, gender, physical address, etc. to verify the identity of the Customer, etc.
  1. The Company may use information related to payment such as the services used, personal name, etc. to invoice the Customer for the used portion.
  1. In order to make it easier for the Customer, etc. to enter data, information registered with the Service may be displayed on the input screen or transferred to other services, etc. if instructed by the Customer.
  1. With regard to any persons who violate the Terms of Service, such as by delaying payment of fees or causing damage to other users or third parties, or those who attempt to use the Service for unauthorized or improper purposes (including but not limited to the Customer, etc., hereinafter referred to as “Unauthorized Users”), the Company may use information to identify Unauthorized Users, such as usage pattern, personal name and physical address, etc., in order to deny them access to the Service.
  1. In order to respond to inquiries from the Customer, etc., the Company may use the content of the inquiry, information used to provide the requested service such as User Attribute Information and information regarding usage costs, as well as contact information.
  1. In order to conduct the Company’s marketing research and other business activities, such as usage trend research, the Company may use registration information such as personal name, age, gender, email address, physical address, payment method, etc., information about services used so far and the costs thereof, and any other information the Customer, etc. provides to the Service.
  1. The Company may use the information provided by the Customer, etc. to the Service for publication, distribution of information, marketing and other services conducted by the Company after first processing the said information in a form that renders it impossible to identify a specific individual.
  1. The Company may use information provided to it by the Customer, etc. in order to terminate the Service and perform administration procedures after the said termination.
  1. The Company may use information provided to it by the Customer, etc. for notifying the Customer, etc. of information related to the Company’s services, including new services and products offered by the Company, additions and improvements to the Company’s services including the Service (including services provided in cooperation with other companies; collectively, the “Company Services”), as well as to make various other proposals regarding the Company Services via advertisements, commercials, direct mail, telephone, etc.
  1. Notwithstanding the preceding items, out of the information handled in the business entrusted by the Customer, if the person to whom the relevant personal information belongs is not the person who has consented to the Privacy Policy (including Customers, etc. other than the consignor), the personal information shall be handled appropriately only to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use specified in the consignment contract, and measures shall be taken to achieve that purpose.

Article 5. Disclosure of User Information

  1. The Company will not sell or lend personal information.
  1. In the following cases, the Company may provide a third party with personal information. The personal information subject to provision to a third party stipulated in this Paragraph includes the personal information of Unauthorized Users.
    1. If the individual’s consent has been obtained regarding provision of the information
    2. If it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or a party entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs under laws and regulations, and in which obtaining the consent of the individual is likely to impede the execution of such affairs
    3. If, in accordance with the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Identification Information of the Sender (Act No. 137 of November 30, 2001) the Company receives a ruling or order by a court of law to disclose information or, in accordance with Code of Criminal Procedure (Act No. 131 of July 10, 1948), the Company receives a formal inquiry based on a law stipulating the right to investigation by the police or another public institution
    4. If, in relation to the use of services provided by the Company, it is deemed necessary to protect the rights, property, or services of the third party or the Company due to the individual’s violation of laws, regulations, Terms of Use, guidelines, etc.
    5. If there is imminent danger to the life, body, or property of a person, thereby creating an urgent need for provision of information, and when it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual
    6. Other cases recognized by law
  1. In addition to the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Company may provide the following personal information related to Users to a third party.
    1. Each User’s Account Registration Information is disclosed to/shared with Other Users in the Organization as a result of the Company’s provision of the Service to the Customer and each User’s use of the Service.
    2. The Service may share meeting minutes data, etc. created by the User using the Service with the Users who are attendees of the meeting involving the said meeting minutes data, etc. In addition, the said meeting minutes data, etc. may be shared or disclosed to third parties (including Third Party Other Than User) by the Users who have been authorized to share the said meeting minutes data, etc. Personal information of the User included in, or linked to, meeting minutes data, etc., is provided to the parties with whom the said meeting minutes data is shared/disclosed (including Third Party Other Than User).
    3. When the personal information of the Third Party Other Than User included in, or linked to, meeting minutes data, etc. is shared with/disclosed to the relevant authorized parties, the said personal information of the Third Party Other Than User will be provided to the users and third parties (including Third Party Other Than User) of the relevant authorized parties. The Customer shall obtain the consent of the said Third Party Other Than User regarding the fact that such provision will take place.

Article 6. Viewing/Modifying/Deleting Registered Information

In accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003; including all later revisions), if an individual makes a request to disclose, modify, cease usage of, or delete personal information, the Service shall perform the relevant procedures after verifying the individual’s identity. If you have such a request, please contact the support desk detailed at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Article 7. Security

  1. The Company handles personal information and the information system that processes such information in a safe manner.
  1. The registered information of the Customer, etc. is password-protected for the sake of protecting the privacy of the Customer, etc. and for security purposes. Moreover, where necessary, the Company will use industry-standard encryption technology in order to protect data transmission.
  1. If the Company outsources work to a third party (vendor) for the purpose of providing the Service to the Customer, etc., the Company shall enter into a contract with the vendor to whom the work is being outsourced in order to ensure appropriate management of the vendor.

Article 8. Revisions to the Privacy Policy

  1. The Company shall be able to change the content of this Privacy Policy when deemed necessary by the Company.
  1. When making changes to the Privacy Policy, the Company shall communicate the details of the said changes and effective date via the Service website or another method deemed appropriate by the Company. However, in cases where the change requires the consent of the Customer, etc. in accordance with law, the Company will obtain such consent via a method it deems appropriate. If the Customer, etc. uses the Service after the effective date, with the exception of cases where the said effectiveness is rejected by law, it shall be deemed that the Customer, etc. has consented to the updated Privacy Policy.

Article 9. Collaboration with a Third Party Service

If the Customer, etc. (however, limited to individuals; the same shall apply hereinafter in this Article) grants the Company access to the Google Calendar data of the Customer, etc., the Company will access that data in accordance with the Google API Services User Data Policy.
・ Data items accessed
Data about the event attended by the Customer, etc., including organizer, title, attendees and optional attendees (personal names and email addresses), date, time, duration, calendar resources (meeting rooms), event repetition, etc.
・ Purpose of access
In order to display the above data as the schedule of the Customer, etc. in the Service or in order to provide the Service whereby the Customer, etc. uses the above data.
・ Handling of data
The Company handles the above data on behalf of the Customer and does not use the above data for any purpose other than those stated above. In order to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of the data and to safely manage other personal information, the Company has appointed a personal information protection manager and implements the necessary and appropriate measures.
Please see Google’s website for details regarding its Privacy Policy.
Google’s Privacy Policy:

Article 10. Company Overseeing the Handling of Personal Information

Company name
Please direct inquiries to:
MeetingBase Support Desk, MeetingBase Business Unit
Personal Information Inquiries Section, Bengo4.com, Inc.
4-1-4 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032
Enacted and enforced on November 22, 2023
The original version of this Privacy Policy is the Japanese language version. In the event of any discrepancy between a translated version and the Japanese version, the Japanese version shall prevail.